Database Reactivation

Create sales opportunties within 30 days

The Quickest proven Method To Achieve Measurable ROI

Increase Revenue Within days

It costs five times as much to attract a new customer to your business, than to keep an existing one. We specialise in creating high-converting database reactivation campaign

Database Reactivation Qualifications

If you can implement the following a DR campaign will generate great results.

Established Business

You are an established business and have been in operation for at least 1 year.

Customer Database

You have a database of leads of at least 500. These will probably consist of existing customers and leads.

Proven Offer

You have a proven offer. If you don't we can help you create one that converts like crazy.

Business Growth

You have the ability to take on more new customers each month

Lifetime Customer Value

You know the lifetime value of a new customer that comes from your proven offer.

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Monitor all your reviews
in one place

Access all your customer reviews, for every location, from every source, in one dashboard.

Easily Integrates With Leading Apps